The elements contain the 3Dsecure information of the transaction
Type: request to Payline
Field | Description | Required | Format | Condition |
md | 3DSecure merchant data : Referred to POST by ACS | No | AN20 | |
pares | Payer authentification response : Referred to POST by ACS | No | AN | |
xid | Unique transaction identifier, base-64 encoded | No | AN28 | |
eci | Electronic Commerce Indicator. to send in the authorization | No | AN2 | |
cavv | Cardholder Authentication Verification Value determined by the ACS. | No | AN28 | |
cavvAlgorithm | Algorithm used for CAVV generation. The current possible values are: Codes cavvAlgorithm | No | N1 | W : Wallet UEP |
vadsResult | Summary of 3DSecure operations in hexadecimal. This field is no longer used. | No | AN8 | |
typeSecurisation | Field used as information for authentication.This field is no longer used. | No | AN10 | 20 : VADS else 9 : VAD |
PaResStatus | To use a non-Payline MPI, you must fill in this field. See values : Codes PaResStatus | No | AN1 | Provided Version 27 in response services. |
VeResStatus | To use a non-Payline MPI, you must fill in this field. See values : Codes VeResStatus | No | AN1 | Provided Version 27 in response services. |
resultContainer | Container gathering the authentication result parameters. | No | AN2048 | Version 21 or higher (3DSV2) |
authenticationResult | NOT USED |