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Step 1 - Create your account

This step allows you to create a test account in the probate environment required for Payline integration.

You have declared your company in the commercial register, have a SIRET number and a valid email address. Follow the following steps step by step:

Registration on the website

  • Enter your company information with special attention to the following information:
    • Company name: name of your company declared in the commercial register
    • No. SIRET: number declared in the commercial register.
    • Email address of the commercial and technical correspondent
  • Create your user account by filling out the following form:
    • User name and first name
    • Email Address: This e-mail address will be used as the user ID on the Merchant Administration Center.
    • User Password: To protect your account, choose a password that is easy to remember for you but hard to find by another. Never share your password with anyone else. For security reasons your password must contain at least 8 characters consisting of a combination of uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters such as +,?, *. For example: "Jean-pierre09" is a compliant password.
    • Question and secret answer: if you forget the password.
  • Select the Payline package that fits your needs and click "Finish"

At the end of the registration process you get:

You will receive by email:

  • your merchant ID and the associated access key that allows your servers to communicate with Payline servers.
  • your user ID and the password that allows you to log in to the Payline Merchant Administration Center.

Step 2 - Set up your account

This step allows you to set up your test account through the Merchant Administration Center.

  • Enter your Merchant ID, User ID and Password and click "Sign In"
  • Click on the "Configuration" menu and the "Your points of sale" sub-menu, then click on "your single point of sale" created by default when you create your account. Fill out the form that specifies the expected operation of your point of sale. Note: on this page you can also create new points of sale by clicking on the button "Create a point of sale".

Example for an e-commerce site: Fill in the form as follows:

  • Activate this point of sale: yes
  • Label: POS my-site
  • Mail webmaster:
  • French language
  • Comment: empty
  • URL Shop:
  • Notification URL: empty
  • URL privacy protection: empty
  • Merchant payment ticket: yes
  • Payment ticket to the buyer: yes
  • Automatic redirection to the shop at the end of the payment: yes
  • The customer must accept the general conditions of sale to make the payment: no
  • Click on the "Configuration" menu and the "Your points of sale" submenu, then click on the "New payment method" button in order to add a new payment method to your "POS my-site" point of sale.


In order to use a new payment method in production, you must first obtain a distance sales contract from the purchasing organization. In the approval environment, no control will be carried out. You are therefore free to test all the means of payment offered.

 Once your point of sale and its means of payment have been configured, the home page of the Administration Center (accessible via a click on the "Home" link in the menu bar) confirms this:

  • Account Setup
  • Set up a point of sale
  • Configuration of a payment method

Step 3 - Test immediately with the sample pages provided

This step allows you to ensure that your account is properly configured using downloadable sample pages on the website.

The sample pages are available in an integration kit and are available for PHP, .NET and JAVA platforms.

Once the sample pages have been downloaded, you must follow the instructions in the readme.txt file:

  • Update your test platform and activate the necessary libraries.
  • Install and configure the sample pages with the following items:
    • merchantID : You must enter the merchant ID that was communicated to you during your registration.
    • merchantAccesskey : You must enter the merchant key that was communicated to you during your registration. If you have lost your access key, you can regenerate a new one on the Payline Administration Center.
    • contractNumber : You must enter the VAD contract number you entered when activating a payment method on your merchant account
    • proxyInternet : You must specify whether your Internet connection requires the setting of an Internet proxy. If you are testing from a computer connected to a corporate network, you are very likely to be connected to the Internet through an Internet proxy. In this case, you only need to specify the DNS name and the port as follows:

      proxy =
      port = 8080

  • Start your web server
  • Using your Internet browser, go to the url "http: // localhost / payline /". If you use a different port than port 80, you must specify it like this:
  • For example: port 9000 to http: // localhost: 9000 / payline /
  • SOn the home page, click on the "web" tab
    • Page 1 : The page shown simulates the "Order Summary" page of your e-commerce site. By clicking on the "Start Payment Process" button, it initiates a payment request by transmitting to Payline a unique order reference (order.Ref), an amount multiplied by 100 (order.Amount), the ISO code of the currency ( order.Currency), the means of payment to offer to your customer, etc.
    • Page 2 : This page is part of the Payline web payment pages. It allows your customer to choose his method of payment. It is customizable to your sign (color, text, logo, etc.) and may not be displayed if only one means of payment is offered. For more information, please refer to the Administration Center User Manual.
    • Page 3 : Enter on this page the appropriate test card number for the payment method you have selected. If you have selected the VISA card as a payment method, you can use the test card no. 4970 1000 0032 5734 with a valid expiry date and the visual cryptogram 123. You will find in the additional documentation functional specification by card, the Test card number that you must use for cards other than VISA.
    • Page 4 : This page informs your customer of the agreement or refusal of payment. Click on the "Finish Payment" button to complete the payment process and simulate the return to the merchant site.
    • Page 5 : The page presented allows you to view the return message that you will be able to obtain following a payment web. It retrieves the result of the transaction from Payline by transmitting the authentication token associated with your order. The identifier of the Payline transaction and the authorization number issued in the event of a debit agreement from the purchaser are communicated to you.

If you need help with this test, please contact Payline Support at

Step 4 - Integrate into your application

You can now choose how to integrate the Payline payment solution into your application.

There are three ways to use Payline:

  • E-commerce suite: immediate use

Use a Payline certified e-commerce suite and have no integration to make. The list of e-commerce suites that offers the Payline payment solution is available upon request from Payline Technical Support.

  • Integration kit: an easy installation

Integrate Payline with a kit. You must have knowledge of HTML and a scripting language such as PHP, C # and Java for the use of the selected integration kit.

  • SOAP API: a complete integration

Integrate Payline using the SOAP API. You must master the development of client interface with secure standard web services.

Step 5 - Validate your integration

This step allows you to control that your integration is correct.

  • When you registered, you had to receive from our support team, a Recette PV that describes the tests to be performed.
  • Consult the merchant administration center and validate the correct registration of your payment transactions.

Step 6 - Request the activation of your account in production

When you have validated the integration of Payline in your application, activate your account in production by following the following instructions:

  • Download the general conditions of use of the Payline service available on the website
  • And send your sales contract (s) and the signed receipt of receipt to the Payline support department by email:

(avertissement)  Perform pilot production transactions to verify the operation and configuration of the contracts