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Commentaire: specific terms

Sofort Specific Terms


Payment Type

Real-time Bank Transfer

Chargeback Risk


Missing Funds Risk


Payment guarantee


Refund possibility


Transaction minimum

EUR 0.01 per Transaction

Transaction maximum


Specific Prohibited Goods and Services

see Specific Terms


  1. Prohibited goods in addition to those prohibited goods and services listed in Terms of use, section 11.k :
  2. Legal advice and services,
  3. Crowdfunding without a valid license,
  4. Public administration,
  5. Nutraceuticals,
  6. Money Services,
  7. Currency exchange,
  8. Money transfer,
  9. Virtual, digital and crypto currencies, tokens, and other crypto assets,
  10. Debt collection management agencies,
  11. Gambling,
  12. Alcohol,
  13. E-cigarettes, Vape, Tabacco and tobacco substitutes
  14. Art and antiques,
  15. Digital downloads (e.g. film and music download/streaming)
  16. Fireworks,
  17. In game purchases,
  18. Jewellery,
  19. Precious metal and gems,
  20. Prepaid phone services,
  21. Vouchers/Gift cards,
  22. Auction houses,
  23. Charities,
  24. Marketplaces,
  25. Multi-level marketing,
  26. Pawn shops,
  27. File sharing, File hosting, File storage,
  28. Financial services,
  29. Insurance,
  30. Airlines & Cruise lines,
  31. Event organizers and ticketing platforms,
  32. Hotels and other accommodations,
  33. Rental & housing,
  34. Tour agencies & tour operators.
    Additional Definitions: “Expiry Period” is the amount of time the Customer is given to complete the iDEAL payment via the iDEAL issuer and is determined by the Contractual Partner or the Merchant and must be between one and sixty minutes. Should the Contractual Partner or respective Merchant not state an Expiry Period, the iDEAL issuer will set the Expiry Period to be thirty minutes by default.

  35. iDEAL is a bank transfer Payment Method where the Contractual Partner receives a real time confirmation of the Transaction. It is restricted to use by Customers who have been issued an online bank account that is iDEAL compatible and held at a bank based in the Netherlands. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary within the Agreement, guaranteed settlement of those iDEAL Transaction amounts that are technically flagged as succeeded will be made to the Contractual Partner less any applicable Fees, in accordance with the time frames stipulated within the Agreement.

  36. Should it become apparent that the Contractual Partner or a Merchant are not complying with relevant laws and regulations concerning the activities they undertake, any access to the iDEAL Payment Method may be immediately terminated by MONEXT with immediate effect.

  37. The Contractual Partner shall ensure that an effective complaints procedure is provided to Customers, under which a Merchant can be easily contacted by e-mail and one other means of direct contact (such as a telephone number, chat box, or other medium). The Merchant must make the information about the complaints procedure easily available to Customers, and make it easy for Customers to find on the respective website.

  38. It is not permitted to offer the iDEAL Payment Method via e-mail link services unless the Contractual Partner obtains the prior written permission of MONEXT.

  39. The Contractual Partner and any relevant Merchant must cooperate with requests for information in specific situations that require further investigation in relation to the iDEAL Payment Method as may be notified by MONEXT to the Contractual Partner or the Merchant from time to time.

  40. The Contractual Partner and/or respective Merchant must verify the status of an iDEAL Transaction with MONEXT prior to supplying products or services.

  41. In the event of a breach of contract or fraud (actual or suspected) by the Contractual Partner and/or Merchant, MONEXT may be obliged to take specific emergency measures including but not limited to termination of iDEAL services with immediate effect.

  42. The Contractual Partner and/or the Merchant must request from MONEXT a copy of the iDEAL Merchant Integration Guide (MIG) and must adhere to the terms and conditions for iDEAL contained therein, including the use of the iDEAL logo.

  43. The Contractual Partner or Merchant as the case may be may coordinate the desired Expiry Period for iDEAL Transactions with MONEXT prior to acceptance of the Merchant for boarding. This desired expiry period for the iDEAL Transactions can only be altered in consultation with the Merchant.

  44.  Neither the Contractual Partner nor Merchants as the case may be are permitted to remove any issuers from the issuer list.

  45. Where at MONEXT’s sole discretion the Contractual Partner or a Merchant is deemed to be high risk, MONEXT reserves the right to request the Contractual Partner or such Merchant (both of whom shall comply with such request) to implement a Customer registration process to record at least the following data concerning the Customer :
    1. Name and e-mail address;
    2. Account number and name for the bank account number which is being used to make purchases via the iDEAL Payment Method;
    3. Additional information for verification in step 2 and the monitoring of Transactions, for example :
      1. IP address
      2. Browser fingerprint
      3. Mobile number