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rootGetting Started Guide

Payline structure

Payline offers a merchant structure the following 3 elements:

  • The merchant
  • Merchant



your Payline account


in back office Payline. You start with a test


account before moving on to





  • Outlets
  • Point of sale

Point of sale allows


you to manage different configuration of customer


workflow to


your websites.


You can configure multiple merchant outlets



  • VAD contracts
  • Contract Number

Contract Number allows


you to manage


teminal payment virtual.


You can configure multiple


Integration step by step 

You can quickly create a Payline merchant and use a proposed web page to complete a payment transaction. See the link for details of the steps.

Administration Center

It allows you to view the merchant configuration, search for transactions, view a summary and / or detailed view of your activity. See the link for more information.

Test cards

These test cards are usable only on Payline, these test cards do not affect the bank accounts and they are not valid in production: see the details of the cards.

Payments and transactions

You can manage different types of payment and banking operations following the business functions: see the list of types available.


Payline offers a range of features available depending on your subscription. Once your needs are defined, the Payline Administration Center allows you to configure all the functionalities, be it at the merchant, the point of sale or the payment methods: The functionalities

The reference API

You can consult the web services and the return codes allowing you to carry out the payment management: see the complete list.

How can you issue a request for evolution?


contract number per point of sale.