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  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.
Commentaire: Maj Amex


The table summarizing the results resultFromAcquire. Please consult the partners for an exhaustive list.

Codes returned by Worldpay

  • The first digit is the address verification
  • The second digit is the postal code check

Ex : 24 => the address matches but the postal code does not match

1Check not carried out (function not supported, technical problem, timeout, ...)
2Total correspondence
4No match
8Partial correspondence

Codes returned by Barclays

  • The first digit is the address verification
  • The second digit is the postal code check

Ex : 24 => the address matches but the postal code does not match


1Address matches, postal code doesn't
2Neither postal code nor address match
3AVS unavailable
4AVS not supported for this card type
5No AVS data provided
6Postal code matches, address doesn't match
7Both postal code and address match
8Address not checked, postal code unknown
9Address matches, postal code unknown
10Address doesn't match , postal code unknown
11Postal code not checked, address unknown
12Address matches, postal code not checked
13Address doesn't match, postal code not checked
14Postal code matches, address unknown
15Postal code matches, address not checked
16Postal code doesn't match, address unknown
17Postal code doesn't match, address not checked
18Neither postal code nor address were checked

Codes returned by EMS


StreetPCPostal Code







'Street' fields of the address match. Postal codes do not match.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)



'Street' fields of the address match. Postal codes do not match because of format incompatibility.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




None of the 'street' fields and postal codes match because of format incompatibility.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




Total correspondence of 'street' fields and postal codes for an international transaction.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




Total correspondence of 'street' fields and postal codes for a national transaction in the United Kingdom.


(étoile verte)




Check not performed by the SAE (buyer rights not involved).

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




Check not performed by the SAE (acquirer rights involved for future use).

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




Street 'fields' of the corresponding address (acquirer rights involved for future use).

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




None of the 'street' fields and postal codes match.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)



The postal codes correspond. 'Street' fields of the address do not match because of format mismatch.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




No answer, repeat the operation.

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)



AVS is not available.


(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)



Check not carried out (acquirer rights involved).

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)




The postal codes correspond. 'Street' fields of the address do not match (for US addresses).


(étoile verte)




The postal codes correspond. Fields 'street' of the address correspond (for addresses in the USA).


(étoile verte)




Total correspondence of 'street' fields and postal code for a national transaction

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)



Postal codes match

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)

(étoile verte)

Note : (coche) Value valid    (erreur) Value Invalid     (avertissement) No control


Codes returned by AMEX

ACM Address only correct.
DCM Name incorrect, Postal Code matches.

CM Name incorrect, Address and Postal Code match.

FCM Name incorrect, Address matches.
KCM Name matches.
LCM Name and Postal Code match
MCM Name, Address and Postal Code match.
NNo, CM Address and Postal Code are both incorrect.
OCM Name and Address match.
SSE not allowed AAV function.
RSystem unavailable, retry.
UInformation unavailable.
WNo, CM Name, Address and Postal Code are all incorrect.
YYes, CM Address and Postal Code are both correct.
ZCM Postal Code only correct.


Codes returned by AMEX

CodeNameStreetPostal CodeDescription
A(avertissement)(coche)(erreur)CM Address only correct.
D (erreur)(avertissement)(coche)CM Name incorrect, Postal Code matches.
E (erreur)(coche)(coche)

CM Name incorrect, Address and Postal Code match.

F (erreur)(coche)(avertissement)CM Name incorrect, Address matches.
K(coche) (erreur) (erreur)CM Name matches.
L(coche)(avertissement)(coche)CM Name and Postal Code match
M(coche)(coche)(coche)CM Name, Address and Postal Code match.
N(avertissement)(erreur)(erreur)No, CM Address and Postal Code are both incorrect.
O(coche)(coche)(erreur)CM Name and Address match.
S(erreur)(erreur)(erreur)SE not allowed AAV function.
R(erreur)(erreur)(erreur)System unavailable, retry.
U(avertissement)(avertissement)(avertissement)Information unavailable.
W (erreur) (erreur)(erreur)No, CM Name, Address and Postal Code are all incorrect.
Y(avertissement)(coche)(coche)Yes, CM Address and Postal Code are both correct.
Z(avertissement)(erreur)(coche)CM Postal Code only correct.

Note : (coche) Value valid    (erreur) Value Invalid     (avertissement) No control