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Commentaire: 4.66


Method Request
Methode Response
doAuthorizationRequestdoAuthorizationResponseInitializing a direct payment transaction

This function makes it possible to create a merchant

disablePaymentRecordRequestdisablePaymentRecordResponseThe function service disablePaymentRecord allows to disable a payment folder

Resetting a direct payment transaction

doScoringChequeRequestdoScoringChequeResponseThis service permits to control the cheque validity (not used)
getBalanceRequestgetBalanceResponseThis service permits to get the Card balance (e.g.: Visaprepaid)

This web service allows you to recover the characteristics of a payment deadline

getCardsRequestgetCardsResponseThe service permits to retrieve the cards of the wallet indicated

This Web Service service provides the public key for encrypting card data. Encryption is performed via the asymmetric RSA algorithm


This web service makes it possible permits  to recover all the data concerning all the means of payment method


The function service retrieves information from a recurring payment folder


This web The service must allow permits the merchant to retrieve a token, as well as a number of other information, from a card and an expiration date


This Web Service service allows the merchant to request a score for the indicated processor


This web service allows you to change the due date or the amount of an NX maturity.a recurring payment


This web service makes it possible permits to modify one or more parameters of a payment file.

The modifiable parameters are:

  • The number of deadlines
  • The end date
  • The day of the deadlines
  • The couple (new amount, modification date)

recurring payment


this function This service allows to check the eligibility of the transaction to 3DS


this function This service is used to initialize a 3DS transaction

Recommendation : at each webservice call, it is imperative to call  use getTransactionDetails