For each transaction associated :
Extrait |
Field | Description | Mandatory | Format | Example | transactionId | The identifier of the associated transaction | No | AN50 |
| type | Type of the associated transaction.
List of possible values : AUTHOR CAPTURE RESET REFUND CREDIT AUTHOR+CAP ORDER REAUTH+CAP DEBIT SCORING CHEQUE MICROVALID REAUTHO MICROCANCEL | No | AN20 | AUTHOR | date | Date of the associated transaction. Format yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ss
| No | AN16 |
| amount | Amount of the associated transaction | No | N12 |
| status | Status of the associated transaction. Values : OK or KO
| No | AN2 |
| originTransactionId | Identifier of the associated original transaction | No | AN50 |
| currency |
| No | AN |