This element contains information about the encryptionKey
Extrait |
Field | Description | Required
| Format | Condition | Example | keyId | Key identifier | Yes | N4 |
| modulus | Key modulo | Yes | Base64 |
| merchantKeyName | Alias of the key, defined by the merchant | Yes | AN | Version 32
| publicExponent | Key public exhibitor | Yes | Base64 |
| expirationDate | Due date of key. |
Format : DD/MM/YY | Yes | AN10 |
| cipher | cipher associated with the | ketStringAN |
| RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding | algo | algorithm associated with the key | No
| StringAN | Version 22 or higher (3DSV2) | RSA | size | key size | NumericNo
| N | Version 22 or higher (3DSV2) | 2048 |