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Payline #4.53.1's new operational features



Published version








You can now communicate "Client History" data to the Banque Casino with a view to improving your authorization request acceptance rate. Furthermore, if your business activity involves air transport in any way, Online Travel Agency data can also be forwarded to the Banque Casino for inclusion in the credit report/score. Last but not least, 3DSecure is now available with the DirectPayment API.

PayPal: new transaction refusal reason - 'CANCELLED'

When Payline has no further contact from the co Ancre_GoBack_GoBacknsumer consumer following their redirection to PayPal, for example, when the browser has been shut down, you will receive a transaction refusal notification with the reason 'CANCELLED' along with the code 02319, instead of the reason 'REFUSED' and the code 02103. 

Cetelem Aurore: Export of proofs of acceptance 

A new user interface gives you the option to list the various items of client data which prove that the consumer has made the choice to pay using credit. You can sort, filter and export the result. The 'Proof of acceptance of credit' option menu is located in the 'Payment Transactions' menu.