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More information

Affichage enfants


The Payline plugin for Magento 2 allows the best of our solution to be implemented in your store, without any development.

The available functions are:

  • Cash
     Payment Simple payment on our secure interface. You can integrate it into your checkout, or redirect your buyers to it.

  • 1-click payment
     The buyer uses a card registered during a previous payment. The card is offered on our secure interface.

  • Payment in installments
     The buyer can realize 3XCB or 4XCB payments.

  • Payment retry
     The proposal for a list of secondary payment methods after a payment refusal.

  • Customizing the transaction label
    On your buyer's account statements, payments made on your merchant site are clearly identified.

  • Fraud
     Depending on the buyer's history, his addresses (including relay points), the content of his order, etc.

  • Debit at shipping
     Your buyer is debited when their order is invoiced, during the shipping process. 

  • Deferred debit
     Your buyer is debited x days after his order.

  • Collect (multiple/partial)
     Each element of the order can be invoiced and debited separately. Late debits are possible (re-authorization process)

  • Refund (Multiple/Partial)
     Refund Each item of the order can be refunded separately 

  • Proposal of payment methods according to the amount
     Associate a price range with each payment method configured in Payline, to offer your buyers what best corresponds to their order.

  • Automatic payment / order synchronization
     Your buyer has not returned to the store after a redirection to our payment interface? No problem, the notification process automatically updates their order. 

Installing and updating the plugin 

The plugin is based on a dependency management tool integrated into Magento 2: Composer.


Our plugin 1.2.16 for Magento 2.x:

  • Magento 2.4.6 compatibility (remove Zend_Validate, Internal update: class UpdgradeIncrementIdToken).
  • Updating composer.json version

titleVersion history...


  • Addition of a loader icon in the payment process following payment validation.
  • If the Magento backoffice receives a notification and the associated order reference has already given rise to a transaction then this is accepted and immediately refused.

  • Modification of token management following execution of the doWebPayment service to avoid changes in the transaction state.
  • Added customPaymentPageCode in the doWebPayment service (redirection mode).
  • Correction of buyer.tilte information
  • Session token management is configurable on the Magento backoffice (Menu common setting/advanced/token usage), three possible states: 
    • Renew token : default operation, a doWebPayment is systematically carried out before displaying the payment widget and Monext updates this session token with the associated order number.
    • Renew token and keep history : as before but Monext records the history of token and order associations (specific case). 
    • Existing token: Monext does not systematically renew the token (doWebPayment). Monext will analyze if the token is less than 12 minutes old and if this is the case Monext reuses it otherwise Monext performs a doWebPayment.


  • Correction of upgrade scripts (M1 to M2).
  • Added a debug level in the logs configuration.
  • Taking Payline notifications into account to systematically make a GWPD call and stop notifications.
  • Consideration of duplicate return codes to avoid order cancellation.
  • Adding domains to the CSP whitelist.
  • Removed dependency on Magento_Paypal module.


  • Complete wallet management from the user account.
  • CSS stylesheet integration of the configuration with the Payline logo.
  • Added configuration settings:
    • Management of returns due to payment errors (empty basket, with items or history).
    • Added a default category.
    • Possible deactivation of the toggle at source.
  • Fixed log path for SDK.
  • Added French translations.


  • Customization of technical error messages (01, 02, 03, 04 and default);
  • Duplicate check on the same order;
  • Correction on order cancellation status.


  • Multi-store configuration management
  • Correction in the tunnel on products not associated with a category


  • Payment in installments
  • Adding a CSP (Content Security Policy) file
  • Correction on the mini cart which was not emptied after payment
  • Removal of systematic ASCII encoding on WS calls and correction of the character string truncation error
  • Changed Payline API version number from 16 to 21


1. Connect in ssh to the server which hosts Magento and go to the installation directory.

   If it does not yet exist, create the extra / composer / artifact / zip directory to store the module archive (payline-magento2- xyz .zip, xyz being the version of the module).  

mkdir -p extra/composer/artifact/zip

2. Copy the archive of the payline-magento2- xyz .zip module into this directory (extra / composer / artifact / zip)

3. Launch composer to deploy the module and its dependencies ( monext / payline-sdk )

composer config artifact extra/composer/artifact/zipcomposer require monext/module-payline:x.y.z

4. Launch the Magento command to activate the module

php -f bin/magento module:enable Monext_Paylinephp -f bin/magento setup:upgrade

5. Check in the vendor folder that the folders are present and not empty

vendor / monext / module-payline

For an update, you must uninstall the old version. 

No connection to your FTP server is necessary: ​​Component Manager manages the retrieval of online files and their integration into the tree structure of your store.


Be sure to use the latest version of the Payline SDK to include all the latest updates regarding evolutions and fixes. Previous versions are not maintained.

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