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Commentaire: section 4

Sofort Specific Terms


Payment Type

Real-time Bank Transfer

Chargeback Risk


Missing Funds Risk


Payment guarantee


Refund possibility


Transaction minimum

EUR 1.00 per Transaction

Transaction maximum


Specific Prohibited Goods and Services

see Specific Terms


  1. Sofort is a bank transfer Payment Method where the Merchant receives a real time confirmation of the Transaction.

  2. The Merchant is aware that currently, Transactions with Sofort may be executed by most standard banks in the countries listed in the relevant product sheets provided to the Merchant. MONEXT reserves the right to offer Sofort in other countries, as well. MONEXT does not guarantee, however, that a Customer will be able to make a wire transfer from every bank account in one of the aforementioned countries or any other country. Further, MONEXT does not guarantee that Transactions which can currently be made with Sofort via individual banks or countries will continue to remain possible in the future.

  3. MONEXT grants to the Merchant the non-exclusive, temporary and limited right for the term of the Agreement to use the Sofort Transfer-Software. The Merchant is obliged to integrate the software into its systems in such a way that the URL and the SSL-certificate of Sofort are recognisable and verifiable.

  4. Prohibited goods in addition to those prohibited goods and services listed in Terms of use, section 11.k :
    1. Legal advice and services,
    2. Crowdfunding without a valid license,
    3. Public administration,
    4. Nutraceuticals,
    5. Money Services,
    6. Currency exchange,
    7. Money transfer,
    8. Virtual, digital and crypto currencies, tokens, and other crypto assets,
    9. Debt collection management agencies,
    10. Gambling,
    11. Alcohol,
    12. E-cigarettes, Vape, Tabacco and tobacco substitutes
    13. Art and antiques,
    14. Digital downloads (e.g. film and music download/streaming)
    15. Fireworks,
    16. In game purchases,
    17. Jewellery,
    18. Precious metal and gems,
    19. Prepaid phone services,
    20. Vouchers/Gift cards,
    21. Auction houses,
    22. Charities,
    23. Marketplaces,
    24. Multi-level marketing,
    25. Pawn shops,
    26. File sharing, File hosting, File storage,
    27. Financial services,
    28. Insurance,
    29. Airlines & Cruise lines,
    30. Event organizers and ticketing platforms,
    31. Hotels and other accommodations,
    32. Rental & housing,
    33. Tour agencies & tour operators.

  5. Additional restrictions to Merchants operating within gambling industry:

    1. Merchants may only offer services and games that meet the relevant national requirements and as the case may be hold the relevant gambling licences, and
    2. in case of Germany, only Merchants who have applied for a relevant licence in Germany in accordance with the Glücksspielstaatsvertrag 2021 (GlüStV 2021) from 27.10.2020 (GVBl. 2021 S. 97, 288, BayRS 02-30-I) and such application has not yet been rejected by the responsible German gambling authority are accepted. Merchants are obliged to inform MONEXT immediately if (i) its decision about application is subsequently changed and it no longer intends to comply with the transitional regime adopted by the circular resolution of all German state chancelleries on 8 September 2020; (ii) the relevant German gambling regulatory authority objects to its offerings as being not, or not sufficiently, compliant with the requirements of the Transitional Regime (e.g., by receiving a corresponding hearing letter or by initiating administrative or criminal law enforcement measures); and/or (iii) the relevant German gambling regulatory authority rejects such application.