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30007REFUSEDFailed to read the input XML
30008REFUSEDDs_Merchant_MerchantCode absent
30009REFUSEDDs_Merchant_MerchantCode format error
30010REFUSEDDs_Merchant_Terminal absent
30011ERRORDs_Merchant_Terminal format error`
30014REFUSEDDs_Merchant_Order format
30015REFUSEDDs_Merchant_Currency absent
30016ERRORError in Ds_Merchant_Currency format
30017REFUSEDPeseta transaction not admitted
30018ERRORDs_Merchant_Amount absent
30019ERRORDs_Merchant_Amount format error
30020ERRORDs_Merchant_MerchantSignature absent
30021ERRORDs_Merchant_MerchantSignature empty
30022ERRORDs_Merchant_TransactionType format error
30023ERRORDs_Merchant_TransactionType unknown
30024ERRORDs_Merchant_ConsumerLanguage has more than 3 positions
30025ERRORDs_Merchant_ConsumerLanguage format error
30026REFUSEDNo such merchant / terminal
30027REFUSEDCurrency sent by merchant is different from that assigned to terminal
30028REFUSEDMerchant / terminal no longer registered
30030REFUSEDCard payment has arrived with operation type that is neither payment nor pre-autorisation
30031REFUSEDPayment method not defined
30033REFUSEDError on mobile with the operation type
30034ERRORDatabase access error
30037REFUSEDPhone number not valid
30038ERRORJava error
30040REFUSEDNo payment method assigned to merchant / terminal
30041ERRORError during calcul of merchant data hash
30042REFUSEDSignature sent is not correct
30046REFUSEDCard bin not registered
30051REFUSEDOrder number repeated
30054REFUSEDNo transactions exists for making refund
30055REFUSEDMore than one payment with same order number
30056REFUSEDTransaction to be refunded was never authorised
30057REFUSEDRefund amount larger than is allowed
30058REFUSEDData inconsistency in validation of a confirmation
30059REFUSEDNo transaction exists to be confirmed
30060REFUSEDConfirmation associated to pre-authorisation already exists
30061REFUSEDPre-authorisation for which confirmation is requested not authorised
30062REFUSEDThe amount to confirm larger than is allowed
30063REFUSEDCard number not available
30064REFUSEDCard number cannot have more than 19 positions
30065REFUSEDCard number not numerical
30066REFUSEDExpiry date not available
30067REFUSEDExpiry date not numerical
30068REFUSEDExpiry month not valid
30069REFUSEDExpiry year not available
30070REFUSEDExpiry year not numerical
30071REFUSEDCard expired
30072REFUSEDTransaction may no be cancelled
30074ERRORDs_Merchant_Order absent
30075ERRORDs_Merchant_Order has less than 4 or more than 12 positions
30076REFUSEDNon-numerical first four positions in Ds_Merchant_Order
30077REFUSEDNon-numerical first four positions in Ds_Merchant_Order. Do not use
30078REFUSEDPayment method not available
30079ERRORFailed to make payment by card
30081REFUSEDNew session. Stored data lost
30084ERRORValue of Ds_Merchant_Conciliation is null
30085ERRORValue of Ds_Merchant_Conciliation is not numerical.
30086ERRORValue of Ds_Merchant_Conciliation does not occupy 6 positions
30089ERRORValue of Ds_Merchant_ExpiryDatedoes not occupy 4 positions
30092ERRORValue of Ds_Merchant_ExpiryDate is null
30093ERRORInvalid card number
30094REFUSEDCard not authenticated as 3D Secure
30097ERRORDs_Merchant_CMerchant field value invalid
30098ERRORDs_Merchant_CVentana field value invalid
30112REFUSEDType of transaction specified in Ds_Merchant_Transaction_Type not allowed
30114REFUSEDCall made with GET instead of POST
30115REFUSEDNo transaction exists on which to pay the instalment/fee
30116REFUSEDTransaction for which instalment/fee payment is requested is indicated not a valid transaction
30117REFUSEDTransaction for which instalment/fee payment is requested not authorised
30118REFUSEDTotal instalment/fee amount exceeded
30119ERRORInvalid value Ds_Merchant_DateFrecuency field.
30120ERRORInvalid value Ds_Merchant_ChargeExpiryDate field
30121ERRORInvalid value Ds_Merchant_SumTotal field.
30122ERRORInvalid value Ds_Merchant_DateFrecuency field or incorrect format of Ds_Merchant_SumTotal
30123REFUSEDTransaction limit date exceeded.
30123REFUSEDTransaction limit date exceeded.
30124REFUSEDMinimum frequency of successive recurrent payment not reached.
30132REFUSEDPré-Autorisation confirmation date more than 7 days after advance Pré-Autorisation
30133REFUSEDAuthentication confirmation date more that 45 days after advance authentication
30139ERRORRecurring payment duplicated
30142REFUSEDTime limit for payment expired
30184CANCELLEDTransaction Cancelled
30197REFUSEDin obtaining of shopping card data in catwalk type operation
30198REFUSEDAmount exceeds merchant limit
30199REFUSEDNumber of transactions exceeds merchant limit
30200REFUSEDCumulative amount exceeds merchant limit
30201REFUSEDCard temporarily suspended or under suspicion of fraud
30202REFUSEDTransaction not allowed for the card or terminal
30203REFUSEDInsufficient funds
30204REFUSEDCard not registered
30205REFUSEDSecurity code (CVV2 / CVC2) incorrect
30206REFUSEDCard not recognised
30207REFUSEDCardholder authentication failed
30208REFUSEDTransaction declined without explanation
30209REFUSEDWrong expiration date
30210REFUSEDCard temporarily suspended or under suspicion of fraud with confiscation order
30211REFUSEDIssuing bank not available
30212REFUSEDIssuing bank not available
30213ERRORDuplicate order
30214REFUSEDMerchant does not make refunds
30216REFUSEDDs_Merchant_CVV2 has more than 3 positions
30217ERRORFormat error in Ds_Merchant_CVV2
30218REFUSEDPre-authorisation not allowed for this Merchant
30219REFUSEDLimit exceeded of transactions allowed for this PAN
30220REFUSEDLimit exceeded of total amount allowed for this PAN
30221REFUSEDCVV2/CVC2 is required
30222ERRORA cancellation associated to the pre-authorisation exists
30223ERRORPre-authorisation to be cancelled was not authorised
30224ERRORMerchant does not permit cancellations since it lacks extended signature.
30225ERROROperation to be cancelled not found.
30226ERRORData inconsistency in validation of cancellation.
30227REFUSEDDs_Merchant_TransactionDate value incorrect
30229REFUSEDDelayed payment code requested not found.
30230REFUSEDPartial payment not allowed for this merchant
30231REFUSEDNone payment type is available for this customer
30232ERRORError, payment type not available
30233ERRORError, payment type unknown
30248REFUSEDDirect debit not supported for this merchant
30251REFUSEDTransfer not supported for this merchant
30252REFUSEDPAN details sending not allowed for this merchant
30253REFUSEDIncorrect check-digit for this card.
30255REFUSEDThe amount by IP exceeds limit allowed by Merchant
30256REFUSEDPre-authorisations not allowed by this merchant.
30257REFUSEDThis card not valid for pre-authorisations
30258REFUSEDData inconsistency in confirmation validation attempt.
30261REFUSEDOperation blocked for exceeding restrictions control in SIS input.
30268REFUSEDOperation not possible on this canal
30269REFUSEDRefunds not allowed on direct debit not downloaded
30270REFUSEDAuthorisations deferred not allowed for this merchant.
30271ERRORError on authentication by web service
30272REFUSEDTransaction to authorise by web service not found
30273REFUSEDTransaction to authorise by web service in incorrect status
30274REFUSEDType of operation unknow or not allowed for this input for the virtual POS
30295ERRORThe transaction seems to be a duplicate. Please waiting before retry
30298REFUSEDThe trade does not allow card on file operations
30319REFUSEDThe trade does not belong to the group specified in Ds_Merchant_Group
30321REFUSEDThe reference specified in Ds_Merchant_Identifier is not associated with the trade
30322ERRORDs_Merchant_Group format error
30325REFUSEDThe request asked to not display screens but none reference card have been sent
30325REFUSEDThe request asked to not display screens but none reference card have been sent
30357REFUSEDCard not allowed for pre-authorization 



Wrong Ds_SignatureVersion value



Unable to decide the Ds_MerchantParameters value



Wrong Ds_MerchantParameters value (not a valid JSON object)



Wrong merchant FUC



Wrong merchant terminal



Missing order number



Error in the calculation of the signature

30998REFUSEDUnknown DS_Response

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