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25001REFUSEDRedemption unsuccessful
25100ERRORInvalid incoming XML
25200REFUSEDNon numeric Voucher Value
25201REFUSEDBase Currency not 3 characters in length
25202REFUSEDNon numeric Ticket Value
25203ERRORInvalid BrandId
25204ERRORInvalid MerchDateTime
25205ERRORInvalid transactionId: greater than 20 characters
25206ERRORInvalid Redemption Type
25207REFUSEDNegative Ticket Value not allowed
25208REFUSEDNo decimal place given in Ticket Value
25209REFUSEDNo decimal place given in Voucher Value
25210REFUSEDNegative Voucher Value not allowed
25211ERRORInvalid or unsupported voucher product code
25212REFUSEDAmountReference with TicketValue not allowed
25213REFUSEDNo ukashNumber supplied
25214REFUSEDNo transactionId supplied
25215REFUSEDNo brandId supplied
25216REFUSEDTicket Value cannot be greater than Voucher Value without Currency Conversion
25217REFUSEDBase Currency and Voucher currency do not match.
25218ERRORType d'opération non compatible avec la fonction
25219ERRORInvalid Voucher Number
25221REFUSEDMultiple Transactions found
25222REFUSEDUnknown transaction status
25223REFUSEDNo transaction found.
25300ERRORInvalid Login and/or Password
25301ERRORInvalid Login and/or BrandID
25400REFUSEDRequired Currency Conversion not supported
25500ERRORError In Currency Conversion
25501REFUSEDConverted Settle Amount greater than Voucher Value
25800REFUSEDMax duration between getSettleAmount and Redemption exceeded.
25801ERRORInvalid amountReference Submitted
25900ERRORTechnical Error. Please contact Ukash Merchant Support.

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