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acceptHeaderExact content of the HTTP accept headers as sent to the merchant from the shopper’s browserYesAN2048Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)

Boolean that represents the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java

YesAN1Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)
languageValue representing the browser languageYesAN6Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)

Value representing the bit depth of the colour palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel

Obtained from Cardholder browser using the screen.colorDepth property.
See values : Codes - colorDepth

YesAN2Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)

Total height of the Cardholder’s screen in pixels.

YesAN6Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)
screenWidthTotal width of the cardholder’s screen in pixelsYesAN6Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)
timeZoneOffsetTime difference between UTC time and the Cardholder browser local time, in minutesYesAN5Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)
userAgentExact content of the HTTP user-agent headerYesAN2048Version 21 or higher (3DSV2)

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