Code | ShortMessage | LongMessage |
02000 | ONHOLD_PARTNER | Transaction in progress, please wait for payment status. |
02001 | ERROR | Duplicate transaction |
02002 | ERROR | Duplicate pending transaction |
02003 | REFUSED | Issuer communication error. Transaction must be cancelled. |
02004 | CANCELLED | Issuer communication error. Transaction cancelled. |
02005 | ONHOLD_PARTNER | Transaction in progress, please wait for payment status. |
02006 | ONHOLD_PARTNER | Retry in progress, please wait for payment status. |
02008 | CANCELLED | Transaction canceled by user |
02009 | CANCELLED | To be reversed, Payline fallback process |
02010 | ERROR | Requested function not available |
02011 | ERROR | To be reversed in fallback mode |
02012 | ERROR | Unmatched partner return code |
02013 | ERROR | Issuer communication error. Transaction cancelled. |
02014 | CANCELLED | Transaction handled by merchant |
02015 | REFUSED | Transaction in progress, please wait for payment status. |
02016 | ONHOLD_PARTNER | Transaction hold on partner, please wait for payment method return |
02020 | REFUSED | Transaction refused by partner |
02101 | ERROR | System internal error (frontend) |
02102 | ERROR | Acquirer server communication error |
02103 | ERROR | Connection timeout, please try later |
02104 | ERROR | Tokenizer internal error |
02105 | ERROR | Capture sent for settlement before cancellation process |
02106 | ERROR | Payment partner error |
02110 | ERROR | The amount is invalid |
02201 | ERROR | the The seeked encryption key does not exist |
02202 | ERROR | the The used encryption key is out of date |
02203 | ERROR | Too many active key pair |
02204 | ERROR | Invalid merchantKeyName |
02301 | ERROR | Transaction ID is invalid. |
02302 | ERROR | Transaction is invalid. |
02303 | ERROR | Invalid contract number. |
02304 | ERROR | No transaction found for this token |
02305 | ERROR | Invalid field format |
02306 | INPROGRESS | The consummer has to fill his payment card details |
02307 | ERROR | Invalid custom page code |
02308 | ERROR | Invalid value for |
02309 | ERROR | CustomPaymentPageCode is inactive |
02310 | ERROR | No transaction matching with search criteria |
02311 | ERROR | Too many transactions match with search criteria |
02312 | ERROR | Search criteria are invalid |
02313 | CANCELLED | Transaction flag capturable is disabled |
02314 | ERROR | Transaction flag refundable is disabled |
02315 | ERROR | A merchant is already logged on with this company name. If there is a problem, contact Support |
02316 | ERROR | The commercial offer does not exist for this distributor. If there is a problem, contact Support |
02317 | ERROR | This token does not exist |
02318 | ERROR | This token does not exist |
02319 | CANCELLED | Transaction cancelled by user |
02320 | ERROR | The searched time interval is too long |
02321 | ERROR | Invalid value for payment action |
02322 | ERROR | Invalid cardholder name |
02323 | REFUSED | Birthdate must not be provided using 3DS |
02324 | REFUSED | The session expired before the consumer has finished the transaction |
02325 | ERROR | Transaction must be unblocked before capture |
02400 | ACCEPTED | Mass Transaction Successfull |
02401 | ERROR | Some transaction failed |
02402 | ERROR | Waiting for treatment |
02403 | ERROR | No mass treatment found |
02500 | ACCEPTED | Operation Successfull |
02501 | ACCEPTED | Operation Successfull but wallet will expire |
02502 | ERROR | Wallet with the same identifier exist |
02503 | ERROR | Wallet does not exist |
02504 | REFUSED | Can not update Lastname and Firstname |
02505 | ERROR | Wallet is disabled |
02506 | REFUSED | Wallet can not operate on scheduled date |
02507 | ERROR | Can not find payment record |
02508 | REFUSED | Payment record is disabled |
02509 | REFUSED | payment.amount must equals recurring.firstAmount + (recurring.billingLeft - 1) * recurring.amount |
02510 | ERROR | Can not find payment record |
02511 | REFUSED | Wallet is not supported for this card |
02512 | REFUSED | Lastname and Firstname required for wallet |
02513 | ERROR | Wallet Id required for wallet |
02514 | ERROR | Private data number is limited to 99 |
02515 | REFUSED | Must choose the data to update |
02516 | ERROR | Can not disable the wallet(s) |
02517 | REFUSED | Can not disable some wallet(s) |
02518 | ERROR | Invalid card index |
02519 | ERROR | Can not enable the wallet(s) |
02520 | REFUSED | Can not enable some wallet(s) |
02521 | ERROR | Card already exist in this wallet |
02522 | ERROR | Amex recurring invalid field |
02523 | REFUSED | Amex recurring not allowed |
02524 | ERROR | Amex one click invalid field |
02525 | REFUSED | Amex one click not allowed |
02526 | ERROR | Amex one click capture amount invalid |
02527 | ERROR | Invalid control option |
02528 | ERROR | SelectedContractList must be filled with only one contract |
02529 | ERROR | Informations must referenced the same contract |
02530 | REFUSED | eMoneo not allowed |
02531 | REFUSED | Leetchi not allowed |
02532 | REFUSED | Wallet management is not allowed with your account |
02533 | INPROGRESS | The consummer is not redirected on payment web pages |
02534 | REFUSED | The consummer is not redirected on payment web pages and session is expired |
02535 | REFUSED | The session expired before the operation on the wallet |
02536 | CANCELLED | Transaction cancelled by user |
02538 | ERROR | Fullfill either card.number or card.token (not both) |
02539 | ERROR | Expiration date is mandatory for this token format. |
02540 | ERROR | No card found for this token. |
02541 | ERROR | Card is not eligible |
02542 | ACCEPTED | Card expires before the last billing date. |
02543 | ERROR | billingRecord not found |
02544 | ERROR | Transaction mode must be REC |
02545 | ERROR | Transaction mode must be NX |
02546 | ERROR | billing status doesn't authorize the action. |
02550 | ERROR | Invalid expected endDate |
02551 | ERROR | newAmount and amountModificationDate are both present or both empty. |
02552 | ERROR | UpdatePaymentRecord must be used only for REC payments. |
02553 | ERROR | billingDay included in [01.28] for billingCycle greater than or equal to months. |
02554 | ERROR | billingleft must be greater or equal to billingleft already present in the database. |
02555 | ERROR | endDate, newAmount and amountModificationDate can only be used for recurring payments |
02556 | ERROR | Invalid Billing Record Id |
02557 | ERROR | Invalid expected amountModificationDate |
02600 | ERROR | Reset is not supported for transaction type |
02601 | ERROR | Reset already done |
02602 | ERROR | Authorization is already expired |
02603 | ERROR | Authorization is not resetable |
02604 | ERROR | This transaction does not exist |
02605 | ERROR | Invalid Functional Profile ID |
02606 | ERROR | Invalid Sequence ID |
02607 | ERROR | Invalid Monetic Profil ID |
02608 | ERROR | Invalid Monetic Param ID |
02609 | ERROR | Monetics parameters are not initialized |
02610 | REFUSED | The max amount is exceeded |
02611 | REFUSED | The min amount is not reached |
02612 | ERROR | The amount provided is different from the original transaction |
02613 | ERROR | The maximal sum of the capture/refund is exceeded |
02614 | ERROR | Invalid Luhn Key |
02615 | REFUSED | Virtual card denied |
02616 | REFUSED | Error while creating the wallet |
02617 | ERROR | The transaction is already captured |
02618 | REFUSED | The transaction is not yet captured |
02619 | ERROR | You don't have the reauthorization option |
02620 | ERROR | Currency must be the same as the original authorization |
02621 | REFUSED | Operation not allowed on this site |
02622 | REFUSED | Reauthorization not allowed on virtual card |
02623 | REFUSED | Maximum nbr of attempts reached |
02624 | REFUSED | Card expired |
02625 | ERROR | Invalid card number format |
02626 | ERROR | Invalid expiration date |
02627 | ERROR | Invalid cvv |
02628 | ERROR | Invalid return URL |
02629 | ERROR | Impossible to decode the virtual CVV |
02630 | ERROR | Virtual CVV is not allowed for this function |
02631 | REFUSED | Delay exceeded |
02632 | ERROR | Method GET is not allowed |
02633 | REFUSED | Lost or stolen card |
02634 | ERROR | Invalid credit option code |
02635 | ERROR | Invalid birthdate |
02636 | ERROR | Invalid cvv |
02637 | ERROR | Birthdate is missing |
02638 | ERROR | CVV is missing |
02639 | REFUSED | Birthdate or CVV is missing |
02640 | REFUSED | Credit refused by custommer |
02701 | REFUSED | Amount not allowed |
02702 | REFUSED | Currency not allowed |
02703 | ERROR | Action not allowed |
02712 | ERROR | A valid private data with the key `voucherValue¿ is required. |
02713 | ERROR | The token field is invalid. Need to be alphanumeric (13-19) |
02715 | ERROR | Authentication3DSecure is mandatory |
02716 | REFUSED | SelectedContractList must be filled with only one contract per payment method |
02717 | ERROR | The version of the web service is incompatible with a multi-contracts wallet |
02718 | ERROR | SelectedContractList must be filled with at least one contract |
02719 | REFUSED | The type of contracts is incompatible with the type of card |
02720 | REFUSED | Delivery mode not found for this value |
02721 | REFUSED | Delivery time not found for this value |
02724 | ERROR | The amount must be empty for an information demand. |
02725 | ERROR | The contract.enrolment3DS value is invalid. Must be Y or N. |
02726 | ERROR | Either card.number or walletId must be fulfilled |
02727 | ERROR | Invalid walletCardInd |
02728 | REFUSED | Reset is not possible because the authorization has been approved more than {0} days ago |
02729 | REFUSED | Refund amount exceeds the limit |
02730 | REFUSED | Refund country is out of eurozone |
02731 | REFUSED | Refund period exceeds the limit |
02732 | REFUSED | Refund currency is only euro |
02733 | ERROR | Invalid field format : {0} : Cannot be empty. |
02734 | REFUSED | Credit amount exceeds the limit |
02735 | ERROR | BIC format is incorrect |
02736 | ERROR | IBAN format is incorrect |
02737 | ERROR | This bank is not authorized for credit transfer |
02738 | ERROR | This account is not authorized for credit transfer |
02739 | ERROR | This credit transfer is not allowed for security reasons |
02740 | REFUSED | Credit currency only euro |
02741 | ERROR | This order does not exist |
02742 | REFUSED | Inconsistent request : No complying contract |
02840 | ERROR | Contract number must be fulfilled |
02841 | ERROR | Too many contract number |
02842 | REFUSED | Contract not associated with card |
02843 | ERROR | differedActionDate must be empty if the payment mode is not DIF |
02998 | REFUSED | Transaction refused |