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Types of payment

Each integration mode allows several types of payments:

  • Immediate payment

It is a cash payment, you realize either authorization and validation (capture) or authorization and validation is performed automatically by Payline or the merchant. You can use the "webservice" calls or via our back office tool "Payline Administration Center".

  • Deferred payment

The merchant makes a request for authorization and validation of the payment is made for example during the shipment of the product. An application for authorization is valid for 7 days. This validation can be carried out either automatically via Payline, or by the merchant using either the batch interface functionality, or by calling the "do capture" webservice or via the administration center.

  • Payment in n times, by subscription, by maturity

This feature is offered with a virtual wallet "WALLET". Your credit card will be registered and "tokenized" at Payline. You will be able to manage the wallets with the web services and web page.

Multi-currency: the payment solution Payline, accepts several currencies, the implementation of this feature is possible when the merchant has subscribed to a contract VAD Multi-currency (either with a national bank, or with a buyer cross-border).

Types of operations

Once authorization or payment has been completed, you can do the following:

  • Information request

Authorized Requests for 1 €  are made by Payline for the sole purpose of checking a cardholder's card. Classically, this operation is performed when creating a portfolio. Although never debited, in rare cases, the holder can see the authorization request on his bank account statement generating misunderstanding and discontent. In order to remedy this, Payline has implemented the Request for Information .

  • Refund

It is a request for reimbursement of a validated and banked payment, so the customer has been debited and the merchant has been credited. The repayment term is 6 months.

  • Cancellation

The cancellation of a transaction is possible only if the transaction has been validated and not banked, so the customer has not been charged to his bank account.

  • Debit

It is a forced debit the merchant has contacted his bank and the bank provides him with an authorization number, and the latter allows him to make a debit request on the bank card of his client.

  • Credit

This is a request for re-credit of the buyer's credit card payment. This function is used to refund the buyer if the merchant has not retained the identifier of the authorization transaction necessary for the doRefund function.

  • Reauthorization

A request for authorization is valid for 7 days, beyond 7 days if you could not validate it and therefore your customer has not been debited yet, it is quite possible to use the option re-authorization, which makes an authorization without the presence of the cryptogram then a validation. The merchant must be able to make "recurring" payments with his distance selling contract.

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