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Short message

Long message


Transaction accepted


Transaction In progress

Transaction ‘In progress’


Transaction aborted

Transaction canceled by user


Transaction Aborted

Aborted by server


Technical error

To be reversed in fallback mode


Technical error

Unmatched partner return code


Technical error

External server communication error


Refused transaction

Credit refused by custommer


Refused transaction

Transaction refused


Transaction accepted

Notified by LCLF


Transaction refused

Fraud Detected

CodeStateShort messageLong message
43001ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to store the order information.
43002ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to store the order information.
43003ERRORTransaction errorError ¿ Exchange server error
43004ERRORTransaction errorError ¿ Subsidiary error
43005ERRORTransaction errorFatal error while querying web-service.
43006ERRORTransaction errorSome of the required parameters are invalid : <company code>, <country code>, <amount>, <material code>.
43007ERRORTransaction errorUnable to identify the company.
43008ERRORTransaction errorUnauthorized material code.
43009ERRORTransaction errorInvalid format for the desired guarantee. Authorized values are 0, 1, 2 and 3.
43010ERRORTransaction errorThe ¿bankCardType¿ field should be empty if financialProductType is ¿CLA¿.
43011ERRORTransaction errorUnhandlable request.
43012ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to retrieve the order information.
43013ERRORTransaction errorThe service was not able to retrieve the status of this loan application.
43014ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to retrieve the order information.
43015ERRORTransaction errorError ¿ Subsidiary error
43016ERRORTransaction errorFatal error while querying web-service.
43017ERRORTransaction errorSome of the required parameters are invalid : <company code>, <country code>, <cetelem transaction id>.
43018ERRORTransaction errorUnable to identify the company.
43019ERRORTransaction errorThere is no valid order information with this identifier.
43020ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to retrieve the order information.
43021ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to update the order information.
43022ERRORTransaction errorThe instance could not be written.
43023ERRORTransaction errorThe service encountered an exception while trying to update the order information.
43024ERRORTransaction errorError ¿ Subsidiary error
43025ERRORTransaction errorFatal error while querying web-service.
43026ERRORTransaction errorSome of the required parameters are invalid : <company code>, <country code>, <cetelem transaction id>, <webmerchant order id>.
43027ERRORTransaction errorUnknown company
43028ERRORTransaction errorThere is no valid order information with this identifier.
43029ERRORTransaction errorOrder id received from client has an invalid format 
43100ERRORTransaction errorAt least one of the following parameters is missing: Category, Quantity or Price

 *02011 : Dans ce cas Payline retourne un message d’attente à l’acheteur l’invitant à se rapprocher du marchand, transfère l’acheteur sur la cancel URL et envoie la notification au marchand.

**02102 : Dans ce cas Payline refuse la transaction à l’acheteur et au commerçant, transfère l’acheteur sur la cancel URL et envoie la notification au marchand.

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