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CodeShort MessageLong Message
33000Transaction by Visa transaction pending
33001Transaction refusedRequested function not available
33010Transaction refusedAuthorisation Declined
33011Transaction cancelledAuthorisation Cancelled
33012Transaction errorAuthorisation Error
33099Transaction by Visa technical error
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33200Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33201Transaction errorSyntax error. Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33210Transaction errorInput error. . Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33220Transaction errorInvalid input. Refer to message log for details
33300Transaction errorRouting and card error. Refer to message log for details
33300Transaction errorRouting and card error. Refer to message log for details
33300Transaction errorRouting and card error. Refer to message log for details
33300Transaction errorRouting and card error. Refer to message log for details
33300Transaction errorRouting and card error. Refer to message log for details
33401Transaction errorAuthorisation has already been used.
33402Transaction errorAuthorisation has expired.
33403Transaction errorCapture amount excees high limit
33404Transaction errorCapture amount is below limit.
33405Transaction errorNo valid authorization found.
33406Transaction errorNo valid charge found
33407Transaction errorRefund amount exceed limit
33408Transaction errorCharge is blocked for refund
33409Transaction errorRefund status cannot be changed
33410Transaction errorAuhorisation has been cancelled
33411Transaction errorCode expired
33412Transaction errorSession has already been used.
33413Transaction errorThe limit has been reached.
33414Transaction errorSession timeout exceeded.
33415Transaction errorWallet already in use.
33500Transaction errorHTTP reject
33501Transaction errorThe BIN range specified overlaps with a BIN previously specified
33502Transaction errorInvalid file format
33503Transaction errorInvalid input file.
33504Transaction errorInvalid header record
33505Transaction errorInvalid trailer record.
33514Transaction errorCard scheme and type not supported
33515Transaction errorMerchant country is not supported
33516Transaction errorCurrency is not supported
33517Transaction errorLanguage is not supported
33518Transaction errorAVSResponse is invalid
33519Transaction errorCSCResponse is invalid
33520Transaction errorResult 3DS is invalid
33521Transaction errorSoftDeclineDecision is invalid.
33522Transaction errorStepUpCountry is not supported
33523Transaction errorMechantAuthorisationType is not supported
33524Transaction errorPost AuthorisationEvent Type is invalid
33525Transaction errorChargeback reason code is invalid
33526Transaction errorRefund reason code is invalid
33527Transaction errorISPSID is not supported
33528Transaction errorISPSID is not enabled for merchant onboarding
33529Transaction errorMerchant id is invalid.
33601Transaction errorMechant id faile Luhn check
33602Transaction errorMerchant id already exists for country
33603Transaction errorEither percentage or value is required in surcharging section
33604Transaction errorOnly percentage or value can be supplied in surcharging section
33605Transaction errorDuplicate surcharging section entry
33606Transaction errorDuplicate step up forced section entry
33607Transaction errorDuplicate soft decline section entry
33608Transaction errorMerchant name already exists.
33609Transaction errorVme merchant id doesnï¿¿t exist.
33610Transaction errorAt least one of stepupForced or cscForced is required in stepupForcedSection
33612Transaction errorChargeback Reason code is mandatory for chargeback event.
33613Transaction errorRefund reason code is mandatory for refund event
33614Transaction errorMandatory element must not be blank.
33615Transaction errorCombination of PSPMerchantID and IPSPIP must be unique.
33616Transaction errorThe zip file must contain exactly one xml file.
33617Transaction errorThe zip file must not contain a logo file which is not referred to by a merchant.
33618Transaction errorFor each merchant in the xml file with a logo tag the logo file must exist in the zip file.
33619Transaction errorThe logo file must be a valid png file
33620Transaction errorThe size of the logo is 150 x 40 pixels (width x height)
33621Transaction errorThe maximum individual image size (pre-zipped) is 100 kb
33622Transaction errorCountry is not supported
33844Transaction errorNot found
33845Transaction errorMethod not allowed
33850Transaction errorInternal server error
33900Transaction Technical error
33900Transaction Technical error
33900Transaction Technical error

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