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The transaction deliassage

The delinking of transactions corresponds to a referral of transactions by contract number (acquiring bank) chosen by the merchant according to three possible criteria:

  • the amount of the transaction
  • the BIN range to which the carrier's card belongs
  • the bank issuing the card of the bearer

The principle

Here are the main steps that the merchant must follow to set up the deliberation of transactions from the administration center:

  1. The merchant enters a first VAD contract number, for example 1234567, on which he wishes to set up a routing rule to direct his transactions to another acquiring bank.
  2. The merchant enters a second VAD contract, for example 1111112, to which he wants his transactions to be redirected
  3. Then, he chooses the criteria he wants to activate to set up this routing rule.

List of Cracking Criteria

Here is the list of the criteria of deliassage:

  • the amount of the transaction

For example, all transactions over 100 € are routed to the bank N ° 1

  • the carrier card according to the entry of a BIN MIN and MAX range.

For example, all transactions with the bearer card in the defined card number range are routed to bank # 2.

  • the issuing bank or banks

For example, all the bearer cards of the bank N ° 4 will be routed on the bank N ° 1 
These criteria can be cumulated for the same rule. 
A rule can be created or deleted but not modified.

Configuration of the deliassage

Access to configuration

The configuration of the function "Configure removal rules" is done from the administration center. It is accessible in the "Configuration" menu.

You will then view all current routings

To create an additional trimming rule, click on the button To permanently delete a trimming rule in progress, you must check the rule in question and click on the button .

Creating a routing rule

When you click the button , you get the screen for creating a new rule.

In this new screen, the required fields are:

  • the contract number to which the routing rule applies
  • the target contract number on which transactions are routed
  • priority in the execution of the rules
  • at least one condition must be checked

You can choose one or more issuing banks as conditions. 
It is possible to filter the rule by country. This condition must make it possible to route a transaction according to the country of the bearer's card. For example, this allows the merchant to route French card transactions to a contract, foreign euro zone cards to a second contract and foreign cards outside the euro zone to a third contract. 
When you click on , you return to the list of routing rules and the rule is not saved. When you click on , you return to the list of routing rules and the rule is saved. It appears in the "List of Routing Rules" screen. 

Traceability of a referral transaction

In the details of a transaction, a new "follow-up of the deliassage" insert makes it possible to follow the routing of the transaction. It makes it possible to provide a traceability of the transaction to the merchant.

We find the following information:

  • the initial contract of the transaction
  • triggering the 3DS to the XXX contract
  • the target contract of the transaction
  • the routing condition enabled
  • Aucune étiquette