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How to configure your account?

You must contact your account manager to obtain the necessary information to configure your account on Monext Online (contract and the name of the bank).

Then please send a request to our support team with the information, so that they can proceed with the configuration in your merchant account in the administration center by indicating the merchant identifier and the name of the alias of the contract number to be created.
You must carry out 'pilot' transactions to validate the proper functioning in production.

Inclusion d'extrait
Contact our support team
Contact our support team

The code (card_code) of the means of payment is: CB or VISA/MASTERCARD

The backoffice configuration :

How to offer payment by email to your customers?

The principles of use

Once the payment method has been activated, it can be used through standard Payline functions by indicating the payment method contract Contract_Number. 
The integration mode is available with the WebPayment API: doWebPayment and getWebPaymentDetails services . 
The mode of integration with the DirectPayment API with the  doAuthorization and getTransactionDetails service . 

Once the payment method has been activated, it can be used through the Monext Online functions.

Web services

  • Payment interfaces : WebPayment API, DirectPayment API.

  • Payment with order : using the   doWebPayment / doAuthorization service   with payment.mode at CPT and  Action code at 101.

  • Cash on delivery : using the  doWebPayment / doAuthorization   and doCapture services  with the  Mode code set  to CPT and the Action code set  to 100.

  • Request for information at 0 €  : using the  doWebPayment / doAuthorization service  with the Action code  at 108.
  • Payment method: cash, deferred, recurring, n times with the  Mode code  = CPT, DIF, REC or NX.
  • Payment by electronic wallet : with IDWallet of the payment request doWebPayment , management service  manageWebWallet and payment by wallet doImmediateWalletPayment .

  • Request for cancellation of an uncollected authorization  : use the  doReset function  allows the merchant to request the total or partial cancellation of the order.
  • Refund request for a discounted transaction: use the  doRefund function  to refund the order.
  • The credit application with the doCredit service .
  • The reauthorization request with the doReauthorization service .
  • Fraud module : rules on the transaction, the buyer and the means of payment.

Authentification 3D Secure

Payments are eligible for processing by the Monext Online fraud module.

Monext Online manages the 3DSecure authentication display with the banking server.

How to carry out tests?

Consult the list of available cards here.

Return codes

With the WebPayment API, Payline informs you of the result of a payment via the return code of getWebPaymentDetails messages .
With DirectPayment API, Payline informs you about the result synchronously in response of doAuthorization and getTransactionDetails .

When the payment is accepted, Payline returns the return code to the value 00000.
For a refused payment, the code varies according to the reason for refusal (For example: 04xxx for suspected fraud).

Payment method-specific codes are listed here.




Contenu par étiquette
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