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A re-authorization allows the merchant to renew the authorization request in order to check that the funds are available and the card not put in opposition.

A request for authorization is valid for 7 days, beyond 7 days if you could not validate it and therefore your customer has not been debited yet, it is quite possible to use the option re-authorization, which makes an authorization without the presence of the cryptogram then a validation.
The merchant must be able to make "recurring" payments with his distance selling contract.

You can re-authorize a canceled transaction.

A re-authorization on a 3DS contract does not allow the transfer of responsibility.


This operation allows you to replay an accepted transaction. The rules are defined below:

  • Authorizations (partially or fully validated) or authorization + validation accepted can be re-authorized.
  • A re-authorization can be re-authorized.
  • A re-authorization can be carried out on requests for authorizations of 7 days.
  • The re-authorization order reference is retrieved from the original transaction if it does not have a new reference.
  • The re-authorization is a full-fledged transaction, so if the re-authorization is carried out within 24 hours of the original transaction then it will be considered a duplicate unless the order reference is different from that of the transaction. original.
  • You can re-authorize a canceled transaction.

  • A re-authorization on a 3DS contract does not allow the transfer of responsibility.

The types of operations concerned are:

  • Cash / partial and multiple payments.
  • Payments by electronic wallet.
  • Payments on order, shipping, deferred, recurring and n times for which the authorization request has been made.

Steps : 

  1. The merchant makes the application for authorization:  Service doWebpayment or  DoAuthorization with action code = 100  
  2. The merchant performs a re-authorization with the identifier of the authorization request: doReauthorization service .

Responsibility transfer

Reauthorization takes place outside the presence of the buyer, authentication is not possible for this transaction.

This authorization does not "inherit" the transfer of responsibility that the initial authorization might have had.

The authorization acquired by the re-authorization request never benefits from the transfer of responsibility.

The configuration

For bank cards, the option to activate the VAD contract must be configured, if your subscription allows it. 

You can also perform a reauthorization on the detail of the transaction and in the Manage my transactions screen .


Re-authorization  type transactions appear in the Payline administration center in real time and in the transaction file  .

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