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This integration guide will help you find all information you need.

For more information on the prior integration steps, such as creating a merchant or configuring a payment method: see our step-by-step integration page.

The guides

Payline Components : Every merchant has a structure with point of sale and payment methods,  see the link for more information.

The Administration Center  It allows you to configure your merchant and search for transactions,  see the link for more information.

Test cards  Check test cards list, those test cards do not affect the bank accounts and they are not valid in production,  see the details of the cards.

Payments and transactions  You can manage different types of payment for your business,  see the list of types offered.

Features:  Payline offers a range of features available depending on your subscription,  see the link for more information.

The life cycle: the payment request ends with a payment transaction,  see the link for more information.

The reference API:  You can consult the web services and the objects allowing you to realize the payment management: see the complete list.

Return codes:  You can consult the return codes for payment management: see the complete list.

The integration 

Payline offers several types of integration: 

  • in web page to redirection : you want a fast and effective integration, and you do not have great knowledge monetics.

  • in Widget mode : you have an advanced profile and good knowledge. You develop your site, you want to customize your page in every detail.

  • in direct mode: you are an expert and you have a complete functional and technical control of electronic banking. You are in control of banking regulations and PCI DSS compliance.

  • with kits and e-commerce modules : you already have a site and only the payment module to put in place. Payline offers libraries.

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